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Train Ticket

Train to Lao Cai Sapa


The Ha Noi-Lao Cai trains runs every evening, departing from Ha Noi Train Station at Tran Quy Cap Street.

Three run at night, and one makes a day trip.

The following are the trains from Ha Noi to Lao Cai (PM: SP1, SP3 , SP7 ) and vice versa (PM: SP2, SP4 , SP8) daily.

The daytime route offers only hard seats, whereas travelers can enjoy soft-sleepers, air-conditioned, four-berth cabins on the night trains. 

In the SP3 & SP4, there are 2 Victoria Carriages. In SP1 & SP2, there are  Orient Express, Tulico Carriages,  Friendly Carriages,  Ratraco Carriages, and  TSC Carriages,  King Express Carriages,  Royal Carriages.

All of these are alternatives for tourists to Sapa from Hanoi.

Train Hanoi to Lao Cai FIRST CLASS ( 4 BERTHS ) DELUXE ( 4 BERTHS ) VIP ( 2 BERTHS )
SP1: ( DEP 21h40 - ARR 5h30 ) 30 40 70
SP3: ( DEP 22h00 - ARR 6h10 ) 30 40 70
SP7: ( DEP 20h17 - ARR 4h35 ) 30 N/A 70
Train Lao Cai to Hanoi FIRST CLASS ( 4 BERTHS ) DELUXE ( 4 BERTHS ) VIP ( 2 BERTHS )
SP2:( DEP 20h15 - ARR 4h20 ) 30 40 70
SP 4:(DEP21h05 - ARR 5h09 ) 30 40 70
SP8 : (DEP 13h15 - ARR 20h50 ) 30 N/A 70


Deluxe Train: Fansipan Express (SP1-SP2), Livitrans Express (SP1-SP2), Sapaly Expres (SP3-SP4)

First Class Train: Orient Express (SP1-SP2), TSC Express ( SP1-SP2), Pumpkin Express train (SP1-SP2), VN Express Train ( SP3-SP4)

The prices may change due to exchange rate or season; therefore, please confirm exact price when you make the final booking with payment. Please contact by email to have more information.
