Train Ticket
Train from North to South
Everyday departure with trains number:
Trains SE1-SE6: Soft sleepers (4-berth), hard sleepers (6-berth), soft class seats (all air-con).
TN3-TN10: Soft sleepers (air-con), hard sleepers (air-con & non-air-con), soft seats (a/c & non-a/c), hard seats (non-air-con).
The booking service is free of charge for travelers.
Unit Price: US Dollar (US$); A/C: Air-conditioning.
Child's fare: under 5 years: free of charge if sharing bed with parent; 5 years/up: adult rate.
Please note: 20% of the amount will be charged in case of cancellation for any ticket
Departure from Hanoi | TRAIN NO. SE1 | TRAIN NO. SE3 | TRAIN NO.SE5 | PRICE/ SOFT SLEEPER |
HA NOI | 19.30 | 22.00 | 6.00 | N/A |
DONG HOI | 5.35 | 7.25 | 16.36 | 55 |
HUE | 8.48 | 10.27 | 19.55 | 55 |
DA NANG | 11.26 | 13.00 | 22.47 | 65 |
NHA TRANG | 21.14 | 22.04 | 8.35 | 80 |
BINH THUAN | 1.12 | 2.14 | 16.14 | 85 |
HO CHI MINH CITY | 4.39 | 5.20 | 16.05 | 100 |
Departure from Ho Chi Minh City | TRAIN NO. SE2 | TRAIN NO. SE4 | TRAIN NO. SE6 | PRICE / SOFT SLEEPER |
HO CHI MINH CITY | 19.30 | 22.00 | 9.00 | N/A |
BINH THUAN | 22.50 | 1.09 | 12.25 | 35 |
NHA TRANG | 3.13 | 4.52 | 16.21 | 45 |
DA NANG | 12.31 | 13.58 | 2.47 | 65 |
HUE | 15.23 | 16.39 | 5.31 | 75 |
DONG HOI | 18.30 | 19.37 | 9.01 | 85 |
HA NOI | 4.50 | 5.30 | 19.58 | 95 |
The prices may change due to exchange rate or season; therefore, please confirm exact price when you make the final booking with payment. Please contact by email to have more information.